My first trip out with the 10-24mm was to the Richmond Night Market. I thought it would be a fun place to get acquainted with the lens, and it was, but I got completely distracted by the bright lights of the two rides there and wound up spending a lot of time experimenting with slow shutter speeds and pans.
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For An Evening with Eckhart Tolle I took with me a Fuji X100T, a Fuji X-T1 with battery grip and an XF 50-140mm lens. Extra batteries and cards. No tripod. The kit worked perfectly.
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I came upon this young couple at a local cafe on West Broadway early one morning. They were the only two in there when I first walked in. They were so quiet, but they seemed to be sharing a special moment of some kind. I noticed how they were sitting very close together in the window light and I thought they might make good subjects for a portrait taken from outside, through the glass.
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